How it all started...
In 1996, the membership of First Baptist Church felt the need to do more in reaching their community for Christ. That need led them to start a mission called Fellowship Baptist Church. In 1997 Fellowship moved into their first building.

Expanding the vision...
Bro. Stewart came to pastor Fellowship in 1999. The church had already begun to outgrow their first building and within a year the church started building a new fellowship hall with educational space. The church continued to grow but still hovered in attendance around 60. In 2016 the church started a renovation project on the fellowship hall because of its constant use and after that was completed soon turned their attention to the auditorium. Through the leadership of the Holy Spirit it soon became evident that God had something new for Fellowship. The church felt God telling them it was time to build a new worship center. That was begun in 2017 and it was ready for use at the community Thanksgiving service in 2018. But through that last building process God began to change not only the physical space of the church but He began to change the attitude and outlook of the church as well.
Where we are headed...
Part of the attitude change came in 2017 as a committed group of members were doing a book study of Carey Nieuwhof’s book “Lasting Impact.” A statement in the book said, “focus on who you want to reach, not who you want to keep.” While that statement may sound radical and controversial, in truth it is Biblical. Jesus said in Luke 15:4, “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?” That has become not only the attitude but the vision of Fellowship. We want “to be a church that is irresistible to the unchurched.” That is our vision and that is where we believe God is calling us.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together 10:15 am.